Files for downloading

Here you can download:

The dissertation as a PDF file [compressed as a ZIP file, 19 MB].

The corpus of 105 Le Matin stories as RTF files [compressed as a ZIP file, 269 KB].

The data, which resulted of codifying the corpus of Le Matin stories, as SPSS files [compressed as a ZIP file, 48 KB]. The SPSS files contain:

  • All the data codified from the 105 stories.
  • All the foreigner occurrences in the 105 stories aggregated for analysis.
  • All the sources in the 105 stories that mention foreigners aggregated for analysis.
  • Data codified in all Le Matin crime and misdemeanor stories.
  • Data codified in all Le Temps crime and misdemeanor stories.
  • Data from the test and retest exercise for the reliability check.
  • Data from the test and retest exercise aggregated to calculate Krippendorf's alpha.
